【湖南卫视《我们的歌手》本期精彩】韩红唱哭观众 A-Lin大秀美腿Hunan TV “Our Singers” EP Highlight 20150102: Audience cry, A-Lin show legs
Our Singers is the documentary complement of I Am A Singer 3, the show follows the backstage and hidden music stories of the seven singers who are participating in the show. The episode will give you a completely new angle to understand each singer. The show will follow after the broadcast of I Am A Singer 3 on Friday, beginning on January 2 2015.
湖南卫视《我是歌手3》官方版1080P超清全集 I AM A SINGER 3 Full EP Playlist: http://goo.gl/VEOzyf
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★湖南卫视《我是歌手3》备战T2区官方版超清全集 Prepare For War: http://goo.gl/bNbFjt
★湖南卫视《我是歌手3》歌手相互论 官方版超清全集 Singers Behind The Scenes: http://goo.gl/1ziEzh
★湖南卫视《我是歌手3》精彩连连看播放列表 “I AM A SINGER 3” Highlights Playlist: http://goo.gl/4vgCLO
★湖南卫视《我是歌手3》第一期单曲纯享 官方版1080P超清全集 I AM A SINGER 3 Songs: http://goo.gl/1P0FZa
★湖南卫视《我们的歌手》官方版1080P超清全集 Our Singers: http://goo.gl/6JSfUP
★湖南卫视《我是歌手2》官方版1080P超清全集I AM A SINGER 2 Full EP: http://goo.gl/9O2ff5
★湖南卫视《我是歌手1》官方版1080P超清全集 I AM A SINGER 1 Full EP: http://goo.gl/U8fA9K
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