During the legendary Poney Session gathering in the Pyrenees, the No One Knows crew had a chance to hang out with Victor Delerue and get the recipe for his father's soup, seriously. They also followed Vic and his friends as they stomped some huge tricks at one of the coolest snowboarding jam sessions of the year.
Check out the highlights (including an insane flip to rail slide) from an awesome park riding day featuring Mathieu Crepel, Enzo Nilo, Victor Daviet, and special "Chef" Victor Delerue.
Director: Morgan Le Faucheur
Producer: Morgan Le Faucheur
Athletes: Mathieu Crepel, Victor Delerue, Victor Daviet, Enzo Nilo
Sports: Snowboarding
Poney Session 2014 Saw some Amazing Snowboard Tricks. Here are the Highlights | No One Knows, Ep. 5
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