【《我是歌手 3》第三季第10期完整版-本期精彩】 宝岛歌王萧煌奇压轴补位!郑淳元全中文歌曲挑战张惠妹!李健童声合唱助阵末位反击!
Hunan TV "I Am A Singer 3" EP10 Highlight: Taiwan popular singer Ricky Hsiao arrives to the singer stage. The One takes the challenge by using Chinese to perform Amei Zhang’s song. Li Jian uses children choir performance to strike back.
本期竞演歌单 Song List:
韩红- 我很丑可是我很温柔
孙楠- 全部的爱
谭维维 Sitar Tan- 往日时光
李佳薇 Jess Lee- 勇敢
李健 Li Jian- 月光
郑淳元 The One- 听海
黄丽玲 A-Lin- 忘不了
中国首档顶级歌手巅峰对决节目《我是歌手》第三季1月2日起,继续蔓延音乐的幸福!本节目由《我是歌手》系列节目制作人洪涛打造。首期节目于2014年12月20日于湖南广电中心录制,并于2015年1月2日首播。第三季每位歌手都是苍茫乐海中的明珠:国字号女声韩红,天籁之声陈洁仪,暖声男音古巨基,王者唱将孙楠 ,靓音女神张靓颖 ,天生歌姬黄丽玲A-Lin ,音乐魔法师胡彦斌 ,谁是真正王牌?
I Am A Singer is a top Chinese variety show that invites famous singer to compete, which has gained great popularity in Asian community worldwide. The first episode of season 3 starts from Jan 2 2015. The show was produced at Hunan TV station in Hunan, Changsha. In season 3, every singer invited is one-of-a-kind singing artist, they are: Han Hong, Kit Chan, Leo Ku, Sun Nan, Jane Zhang, A-Lin and Tiger Hu. Who is the real winner? Let’s wait and see.
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