You need to be solitary capable of leading your own life. You should enjoy House Churches running Fellowships.

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You need to be solitary capable of leading your own life. You should enjoy House Churches running Fellowships.

If you care to ponder over Luke 16v16 that Law and Prophets were till John, the Baptist and afterwards the Gate for the Solitary to the Royal Kingdom of God has been opened by Jesus, the Anointed Christ of God, then you can ask them in the Churches what role their Dog-Collared Priests fill in the ministry of Jesus that stands for Gospel and not for the once-born prayers and fasting. That is, you need to be a solitary virgin Bride of Bridegroom Jesus that does not pray or fast as Jesus told those Pharisees and Sadducees when He was eating at Matthew's place. Thus, anyone who talks about sins and/or leads people into prayers and fasting, he is Anti-Christ. The Abbots of the Monasteries are a typical example who clip the hair of their initiates and then tell them not to listen to anyone else but them only. Thus, Pope, Dog-Collared Priests, etc. cannot give your account to God and they are Anti-Christs causing these sectarian riots and killing today all over the world. Solitaries of spirit are very Few in the world. In the West their number is one in a thousand and two in ten thousands whilst in the East one in a Million. So, do not be discouraged if people reject you and T-Shirts being the Lamps on the living Lampstands is the best way to Fish spiritual solitary men that are masters of their own destinies. Jesus presented an ideal man in John 9, the Parable of the Born-Blind person who challenged the hypocrisy and authority of the Rabbis that would not believe even after seeing with their own two naked eyes. You will meet such people in Churches as well where people seek their own praises from the people by following the fashion of the world. Politicians are best example of hypocrites. This is the Age in which hypocrite psychic dominates the world and you have to fight against them with the Armour of His Word.

In Jesus, we are to be solitary.
Flesh + soul = Once-born natural Disciple of the Rabbis
Flesh + soul + spirit = Twice-born sensible Labouring son of God
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