Video Interview with Bernard Abouo, CEO of La Loyale Assurances and Board Chairman of La Loyale Vie, also available here
"Life insurance is savings, and also insuring yourself. Tomorrow, you don’t know; if you’re not there your children need to finish their education, so we offer life insurance products. When we explain all that, while other counties haven’t developed it a lot, this type of insurance has been developed a lot in Ivory Coast. If I take the example of end-of-career compensation, it’s not been very long since we introduced it, at the time we had to discuss it with the Director-General for Taxes, he understood, because normally, we make reserves to prepare for the end of our careers but these reserves are not taken into account by taxation. So you are taxed on these reserves. We decided that instead of making reserves to pay each person, at the end of the day when the person leaves, it’s no longer the company who pays their end-of-career compensation but the insured party himself", says Bernard Abouo.
To read the full transcript of the MarcoPolis interview with Bernard Abouo, CEO of La Loyale Assurances and Board Chairman of La Loyale Vie, visit