The easiest way to explore your past lives - for FREE - is to use the Place Resonance method of Past Life Regression.
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Resonances are echoes of your past lives that lie just below the surface of your conscious awareness. They work much like a piano key in that the effect of pressing the key is present for awhile after it was pressed.
Resonances help you to connect with your past lives without hypnosis. They rely on emotional recognition rather than on mental recall.
Resonances work because past life feelings are much easier to access than past life memories.
Place resonances come from your reaction to historical periods - either you are fascinated by a certain era or not. When you are fascinated by a particular historical period, it is usually because you have lived back then.
One of the easiest ways to connect with place resonances from your past lives is to look at different things that are associated with a particular place.
Your conscious mind will draw your attention to the item relating to your past life experience in one of three ways.
By sight: Your eye will be drawn to a particular item: it will seem brighter or more striking to you... because you experienced it in a past life.
By sound: You will think about a certain sound when you notice a particular item... because you experienced it in a past life.
By touch: You will know how a particular item will feel when it is touched... because you experienced it in a past life.
These are all important clues to remembering your past life experiences.