Chap. 2-1: Who will know Gospel? Those who have dissociated themselves from others such as parents, brothers, sisters,

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Chap. 2-1: Who will know Gospel? Those who have dissociated themselves from others.

Chapter 2

Who are the predestined?

Jesus picked up the predestined remnant who were longing for Gospel and they happily worked in the Vineyard of our Father under the Foremanship of Jesus. Their friends, relatives, etc. were pestered by the local Rabbis that they are joining the company of a Heretic but they were not deterred by such hatred against them. Even some prominent Rabbis from Jerusalem went to Nazareth to persuade Mary that your Foster Son Jesus is misguiding the people and you should ask Him to stop that heretical teaching that people do not understand. Persuaded by these Jerusalem Doctors of Theology, she did go to Jesus to tell Him that He is misleading the people from the Jewish traditions. That is why Jesus said, “My relatives, parents, brothers, etc. are those who do the Will of my Father”.

Jesus himself was a Free solitary man and He encouraged his Labourers to be solitary as well. Remember that when Jesus fed the 5000 people stressing that Moses fed you on Manah in a similar Wilderness whilst He is going to feed them with heavenly Bread, which is much tastier than Mana. After making them satisfied with their physical hunger as they do in the Sikh Temples today where food is served “free”, then Jesus opened His Mouth that unless you eat the flesh of Jesus, which is what comes out of the mouth of Jesus that you understand by lending your ears, take it to your heart for digesting or pondering over and then Preach Gospel from your own mouth in honour of Christ Jesus to glorify our Father that is called Drinking the Blood of Christ, you have no part in me. This was a Test of their spirituality or Oral Torah that they failed by taking his words in a literal sense as they were used to the Letters of the Torah only and they all vanished taking Jesus for a mad man asking them to cut him into pieces and eat his flesh raw. When all the 5000 had left and Jesus was alone, then Jesus turned around asking His Labourers, “Do you want to leave me as well? That is, in Jesus you are totally FREE and you do not follow anyone in the manner of the blind Disciples of the Rabbis. Then, the once-born Peter who was highly impressed by his Miracles replied that you have the living Bread from Heaven, we will not leave you. Later on Jesus explained to them what is meant by eating the flesh of Jesus and drinking the Blood of Christ, then by the End of his Ministry, the Last Supper was celebrated by the same Oath when Eucharist of Sacrifice was served to the remaining Eleven as Judas Iscariot had been thrown out earlier. Eucharist is also called entering into the Bridal Chamber for Marriage with the Son Christ Jesus as outlined in the Parable of Father wishing to celebrate the Marriage of His Son Christ Jesus invited his own people especially of the Judah tribe and they made excuses. Then, the Invitation was sent to the Gentiles and the Wedding Hall was soon Full. But when the Father of the Son appeared to Greet and welcome them, He found one man not properly dressed for the Eucharist. He was thrown out into the Darkness where he suffered. And this man was Judas Iscariot stressing that money thieves such as these hireling Dog-Collared Priests in the Churches, the Synagogues of Satan, are NOT entertained into the Royal Kingdom of God. People donate money and this man of dead letters with Dog-Collar steals the donation as his salary as if he is working for Mammon but hypocritically tells his blind paymaster stooges that he is working for God and they should obey him. Such a spiritually blind Dog-Collared guide when leads the blind Disciples, they both fall into the Pit of sectarian riots as you saw in Ireland and today see killing in Iraq, Syria, etc.

Thus, the people who are devoted to worship our Father are very Few; one in a thousand and two in ten thousands. You should not be surprised with this “intuition” based upon logical reasoning. Jesus led us to the spiritual Heights, who could Brew His Word called Logos through logical reasoning. First the Labourers were Brethren under One Father God and as they learnt “Logos” and were capable of Preaching from their own Mouths or drinking the Blood of Christ Jesus, then they became His Friends ready to lay down their lives for each other. This they proclaimed when Jesus insisted visiting dead Lazarus in the most hostile Judiah region and they warned Him, “Don’t you know they want to kill you and you are planning to go to see dead Lazarus”. But as He insisted and so the others did not let him down expecting something serious might happen. But Jesus reminded them that they are under the Protection of our Supernatural Father God and no one could touch them unless our Father Willeth. Remember that Christ Paul made many dangerous journeys and visits to Churches where the people were very hostile.

In Jesus, we are to be solitary.
Flesh + soul = Once-born natural Disciple of the Rabbis

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