The Crew Big Foot Easter Egg "The Crew Big Foot Easter Egg" this video of the crew will show you how to locate Big Foot on the crew its an in game achievement and also quite fun to do The Crew Big Foot Easter Egg "The Crew Big Foot Easter Egg" Big foot siting the crew
All The Crew Trophies and Achievements:
King of the Road
Earn every Trophy in The Crew
Unlimited Testdrive Budget
Testdrive the most expensive car.
Dominate the Midwest and get your first ink.
Tame the East Coast and earn your V2 ink.
Reestablish 5-10 control in The South and earn your V4.
Beat the cops in The Mountain States and earn your V6.
Ghost Bustin
Beat any Platinum Skill Ghost.
We Don't Need Roads
Burn Nitro at exactly 88mph (141 km/h).
The Crew
Complete a Mission while in a Crew (2-4 players)
Drive a pink and yellow car for 5 miles (8 km).
First Offense
Escape a Police pursuit 100 times in FreeDrive.
Podium Placing
As a team (3-4 players), finish 1st, 2nd and 3rd in a PvP Fact