It was Amitabh Bachchan under the spotlight with anchor Goswami on the recent episode of Frankly Speaking With Arnab Goswami.
One of the biggest superstars in the history of cinema, Big B was grilled by Arnab in one of the sharpest interviews yet and maintained a largely non-committal, diplomatic stance on several issues.
When we say issues, it also includes Salman Khan’s 2002 hit and run case! That’s right…Mr. Goswami asked Amitabh: why did the film industry rally around Salman Khan after the hit-and-run verdict and spare not a word for the victims of the accident?
The veteran actor pointed out how it wasn't an isolated incident, citing the similar reaction to Sanjay Dutt’s sentencing in '90s as evidence.
When asked if Salman can kill a person and get away with it, he said there’s the law of the land. Sounds right!
Check out the full interview of Amitabh with Arnab and let us know what you think!