There has been ongoing feud between Aamir Khan and Salman Khan for some time. After Mr. Perfectionist recently promoted Salman’s Bajrangi Bhaijaan, showing that they are on good terms, there are talks that they are doing a movie together. Are you guys thinking about Andaz Apna Apna sequel?
Hold your horses of imagination boys! Sources discovered that after Aamir, even Sallu Miyaan wants Indian Tourism to flourish. Uh oh! At the trailer launch of Kabir Khan’s directorial venture, the Dabangg Khan said the journey has been really beautiful. He feels that once the film releases, Indians will see some exotic locations. Also Bajrangi Bhaijaan has been filmed at several locations in different parts of Kashmir and Rajasthan.
Salman and Shah Rukh have worked together in Karan Arjun, while Salman and Aamir in Andaz Apna Apna, but Shah Rukh and Aamir haven’t worked together yet. We wish to see them together on screen. Filmmakers, are you listening?