Abhishek Bachchan and Asin starrer All Is Well has been in the news ever since the project was announced. The film that was slated to hit theaters last December got delayed, Smriti Irani, the actress could not allot dates because of her political commitments. She was replaced by Supriya Pathak in the cast.
Anyways…the makers of Umesh Shukla’s directorial venture have released the trailer of the film, and believe or not, it promises a social message for everyone.
Rishi Kapoor, who plays Abhi’s father in the film, thinks about his issues. While Supriya’s role doesn’t remember anything, Asin’s role knows her family is crazy. We are expecting a lot from the movie, considering the last movie of Mr. Shukla, it created quite a stir with a strong message for the audience.