Book - Chapter 4:- Why Jesus had 12 all men Labourers for his Ministry - 7?
The whole text of the chapter is in this link:-
That is why, only the sons of Man who have conscience can appreciate Gospel Truth, the Light whereas the sons of Satan love utter Darkness. As the sons of Man speak the secular truth so they would love to hear the Gospel Truth. That is why Peter killed two liars Ananias and Saphira as they were liars and sons of Satan. Jesus threw Judas Iscariot out soon after the Last Supper as he was a hypocrite and a Thief like these hireling Dog-Collared Priests are today who steal the Church donations at the end of the month as their salaries in which they are turning stones, simpletons, into bread and butter. No wonder the sensible people are leaving Churches dominated by hypocrites of the first degree. These sons of Satan Priests in Churches know very well that St. Paul set a good example by earning his own livelihood by making tents and he gave to the Church and never took anything out of the Church. That was the main reason why the people sold their Mammon related interests in the world to join a Big Family of Mammon-Free God and shared with each other. But when the Messianic Jews overtook the Church of God by jumping over the walls like a Thief, they brought with them the Bait, the written Torah, the old wine to make people drunk so that they have no desire for the New Wine or the Brewers, the Apostles and these super crooks established their old Jewish malpractices from which Jesus had got rid of by giving his own sacrifice as the Lamb of God to set us Free. They made the situation worse than that before the arrival of Jesus as stated in Matt. 12v43-45: "When an evil spirit (the sacked husbandmen of the Winepress, the Jerusalem Temple) comes out of a person, that spirit travels through dry places looking for a place to rest (similar comfortable job as of a Rabbi). But that spirit finds no place to rest (No one trusts those crook Terrorist Temple Priests who had killed Jesus for nothing). So the spirit (such evil-spirited people) says, 'I will go back to the home (Church of God) I left.' When the spirit comes back to that person, the spirit finds that home (Church of God) still empty (In Jesus, we are solitary Virgin Brides in which everyone gives his own account to God. There they created similar jobs as the Rabbis with Dog-Collars or robes of hypocrisy). That home is swept clean and made neat (Church of God members were truthful and honest). Then the evil (psychic, experts in sugar-coated sermons of falsehoods) spirit goes out and brings seven other spirits (Church Deacons) more evil than itself (Watch how these Cardinals struggle for the position of Pope, the Anti-Christ). Then all the spirits (evil-spirited crooks seeking position and Mammon) go into that person (Church of God) and live there (Establish their Synagogues of Satan as today we have so many denominations against One Universal Church of God, Fold, headed by One Shepherd Christ Jesus). And that person (Church of God) has even more trouble than he had before (the arrival of Jesus to set us Free of the Yokes of the Rabbis). It is the same way with the evil people (hireling Dog-Collared Priests in Churches of Mammon) that live today."
Thus, the sons of Man, faithful to Yahweh, who longed for our Father did penitence through prayers and fasting as Jesus himself did in the Wilderness for Forty days before starting His Preaching Ministry of Christ. Simeon and the other widow lady in the Temple were also saying prayers and fasting as penitence to know our Father and they had the Holy Spirit to Greet Jesus into the world. Monks in the Monasteries are in a similar positions but their Abbotts like the Temple High Priest would clip their head hair for Discipleship in that you cannot listen to anyone else than them only. Such Abbotts are Anti-Christs.
In Jesus, we are to be solitary.
Flesh + soul = Once-born natural Disciple of the Rabbis
Flesh + soul + spirit = Twice-born sensible Labouring son of God
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