Ocean Gravity is a short film that rewrite the rules of the underwater world and takes us this time into the world of the weightlessness.
Just like in the space, there isn’t anymore a top or a bottom. There isn’t anymore upside down and wrong side out. The ocean becomes cosmos, the man a satellite, and the bottom of the sea an unknown planet. Welcome in the fascinating universe of Ocean Gravity.
Guillaume: «since ever, my diving propels my imagination in the fantasy of the conquest of space. To touch the sea floor or to set foot on an unexplored planet, here are 2 fascinating adventures which feed my thirst of unknown. The discovery of this quite unique place (Tiputa - Rangiroa - French Polynesia), allowed us to put in image the visual closeness of 2 universes water and air, ocean and space.»
Written and directed by Guillaume Néry and Julie Gautier
Underwater camera on breathhold: Julie Gautier
With Guillaume Néry
Editing: Guillaume Néry and Julie Gautier
Color correction: Arthur Paux
Logistical support: Y AKA Plongée Rangiroa
Music by THE GLITCH MOB - How to be eaten by a woman
Ocean Gravity est un court-métrage qui bouleverse les codes de l’univers sous-marin et nous plonge cette fois dans le monde de l’apesanteur.
Tout comme dans l’espace, il n’y a plus de haut ni de bas, il n’y a plus l’endroit et l’envers.
L’Océan devient cosmos, l’homme se mue en un satellite en orbite et le fond de la mer se transforme en une planète inconnue. Bienve