For many of us, our most precious childhood memories are made on family vacations. Yet, the experience of travel can be particularly stressful for children with autism and their families. That is why we continue to partner with Autism Speaks for the annual Blue Horizons for Autism airport rehearsal event. In September 2014, we hosted more than 250 families and individuals affected by autism at JFK so they could practice air travel simulations in a realistic environment. The event begins with check-ins, security screenings and plane boarding. Crewmembers then lead families through pre-takeoff procedures and taxi the jet around the jet-way before disembarking. Behavioral therapists are on hand throughout the day, and crewmembers receive training from Autism Speaks in advance of the event. We also supported Autism Speaks to develop ADVENTURES WITH AUTISM: THE AIRPORT EXPERIENCE, a guide to help families practice and prepare for travel.
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