Most unbelievable GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS 2015
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#1. World's Shortest Donkey: KneeHi
At 25.29 inches, KneeHi is the world's shortest donkey. A registered miniature Mediterranean donkey, KneeHi is owned by Jim and Frankie Lee of Gainesville, Florida.
#2. Smallest Roadworthy Car
The smallest roadworthy car measures 25 inchies high, 2 feet, 1.75 inches wide, and was built by Austin Coulson.
#3. Largest Drum Kit
The largest drum kit is a 5.2 : 1 scale replica and was created by Drumartic (Austria).
#4. Largest Rideable Bicycle
The largest rideable bicycle has a wheel diameter of 10 feet. It was was built by Didi Senft of Germany.
#5. Tallest Rideable Motorcycle
The tallest rideable motorcycle measures 16 feet, 8.78 inches tall from the ground to the top of the handlebars. It was constructed by Fabio Reggiani of Italy. The motorcycle was ridden over a 100-meter course at Montecchio Emilia, Italy.
#6. Farthest Distance Skateboarding By A Goat
The farthest distance skateboarding by a goat was 118 feet. It was achieved by Happie of Fort Myers, Florida. The distance was completed in a time of 25 seconds.
#7. Largest Collection Of Vacuum Cleaners
British citizen James Brown owns 322 types of vacuum cleaners, the largest collection in the world.
#8. Julia Plecher - Fastest 100m in High Heels
Fastest Human Backbend Walk
Leilani Franco travelled 65 feet, 7.2 inches in in a backbend position in a time of 10.05 seconds.
#9. Fastest Crossing Of A Tightrope By A Dog
The fastest crossing of a tightrope by a dog was 18.22 seconds and was achieved by Ozzy, a Border Collie/Kelpie cross, in Norfolk, UK.
#10. Lowest Limbo Skating
The lowest limbo skating was 9.84 inches, and was achieved by Rohan Kokane of India.
#11. Julie Blecher of Germany ran 100 meters in 14.531 seconds -- in high heels.
#12. Smallest Dog (Living)
The smallest dog living, in terms of height, is a female Chihuahua in Puerto Rico named Milly, who measures 3.8 inches tall.
#13. Largest Collection Of Star Wars Memorabilia
The largest collection of Star Wars memorabilia is owned by Steve Sansweet, who has amassed an estimated 300,000 unique items at Rancho Obi-Wan in northern California, USA. To date, only 68,592 items have been accurately audited and catalogued –- a figure sufficient enough, however, to beat the previous record by a factor of three.
#14. Largest Walking Robot
The largest walking robot measures 51 feet, 6 inches in length; 40 feet, 5 inches; and 26 feet, 10 inches in height. It was made by Zollner Elektronik AG in Zandt, Germany.