Short-lived Paramount sitcom with a great cast - Jimmy Brogan, Eileen Heckart, Dixie Carter and Olivia Barash. An angel is sent to Chicago to care for orphaned kids.Here's a rare one. The opening theme for the short-lived 13 QUEENS BLVD from the same people who brought you CARTER COUNTRY and WHAT'S ...
Carl Betz, late of The Donna Reed Show, got two seasons out of this ABC law drama in the late sixties.
Short-lived Paramount sitcom with a great cast - Jimmy Brogan, Eileen Heckart, Dixie Carter and Olivia Barash. An angel is sent to Chicago to care for orphaned ...
FULL opening credits for MAKIN' IT with David Naughton, Greg Antonacci and Ellen Travolta.
After ROOM 222, KAREN VALENTINE tried again in a short-lived sitcom set in D.C. with CHARLES LANE, DENA DEITRICH and ALIX ELIAS.