Distortion in "Islam" | Distorted Quran Keywords, Revealer TV | Isis, Al Qaeda & etc are not Islam

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This video explains how Islamic terrorism and abuse has stemmed from a distortion in the translation and interpretation of the Qur’an words. This distortion resides in the meaning of the word “Islam”. According to linguists a meaning of a term should have a relation with its root.
The word “Islam” is rooted from /Salama/ (سلم ( which means health. Thus, the meaning of the term “Islam” is “entering into health” and also ‘Taslim’ (تسلیم) means devotion to health. However, terrorists and abusers has distorted the meaning of the word “Islam” into “Submission” which obviously has no relation with its root health.
This submission interpretation make it possible for terrorist leaders and religious abusers to enslave their followers. In contrast, Islam is nothing but a religion of health.
In fact, distortion is impossible in Quran itself, these are the translations that have deviated this divine miracle from its real nature.

this video:
Distortion in "Islam" | Distorted Quran Keywords by Revealer TV | Anti Islamic terrorism, Isis, Al Qaeda and other terrorists are not islam

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This video has been produced by Muslims of United States association IRH for the purpose of promoting true Islamic knowledge, fighting ignorance and superstitions and revealing religious distortions which are the ground for religious disasters. Muslims of United States association IRH is a charitable/ Non-profit research and culture organization which aims to improve global peace and promote anti-war movements. We are a non-profit organization and all profits of this video will be used for our aforementioned purposes.

We are a non-profit organization and all profits of this video will be used for our aforementioned purposes. Thank you all organizations and volunteers for participating and helping us making this channel.
+ Some news footages from Fox News, CNN and archive news photos.

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