What we saw and heard in Fukushima, Namie Town, “the Ranch of Hope”, Vol.1福島で見たことと聞いたこと~浪江町「希望の牧場」編1~

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On May 5th, 2013, we visited to Namie Town, Futaba Country, Fukushima Prefecture, where the zone was released from the evacuation zone.
原発事故当時から現在まで 放射能に汚染された立ち入り禁止の警戒区域内で家畜の殺処分に反対し、牛を飼育し続け­る牧場が10軒あります
その中の1軒「希望の牧場・ふくしま」代表 吉沢正巳さんにお話をうかがいました
There are 10 ranches who rejected the order of killing their cattle animals where those areas have been contaminated by the radioactivity in the evacuation zone, no one should not enter.
Among them, we talked and heard from the Mr. Masami Yoshizawa, the CEO of the "The Ranch of Hope, Fukushima."
In Fukushima, more than 1500 cows have been killed already. It is a heartache to think how those farmers felt so hard when they had to agree with the order of killing their cattle animals.
吉沢さんは元々自分の牧場にいた牛以外にも ほかの牧場で飼いきれなくなった牛や人がいなくなった町でさまよう「野良牛」などを救­済し飼育しています
350頭 全てが被爆した「売り物」にならない牛たち
In his ranch, he feeds not only his cows, but also other cows from other ranches where they could not continue to operate, or had to leave. Also, other cows includes the ones which become "Wild" in the town. In total, he takes care of 350 cows, which are all contaminated by the radioactive, no longer for sales in the market.
何故 身の危険を顧みず「売り物」にならない牛たちの面倒を見るのか
Why does he feeds those cows which are prohibited to sell, despites the risk for his own health?
How does he think about the Nuclear Power?
How does he think about the future coming?
Each word from his talk was very meaningful and even impressive to our minds

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