German Chancellor Angela Merkel met on Sunday morning with Horst Seehofer and Sigmar Gabriel from the Social Democrats to discuss their united approach to the refugee question. Merkel, Seehofer and Gabriel apparently did not come to terms on the issue. As government spokesman Steffen Seibert said afterwards, "there is a lot of common ground, but there are also some points that remain open and have yet to be settled." One of the questions at stake is whether Germany will install so called "transit zones" directly at the border, which is a concept favored by Merkel's CDU and Seehofer's CSU. For Merkel, this disagreement about how to "welcome" the refugees is not the only dissonance to worry about - the CDU has been under attack from its very own sister party for a while now about the refugee issue. The failure to find a compromise on Sunday came after some heavy pressure from Seehofer towards Merkel during the last few weeks to take tougher action to stem the flow of people.