In a rare, new interview with Tom Brokaw that aired on the Today show on Monday, Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie sat down with the legendary reporter and discussed how they coped with the actress' decision to undergo a preventative double mastectomy as well as the removal of her ovaries and fallopian tubes.
Jolie's choice, prompted by the fact that she carries a gene that makes it more likely she will develop breast and ovarian cancer, was one that forced both herself and Pitt to gather all the strength they had.
"I made the choices I made because I believed they were right for me," Jolie told Brokaw of her decision to have the surgeries.
To undergo such extreme preventative surgery was not an easy decision, but Jolie's bravery and confidence carried her through.
"There was no vanity to my wife's approach.
It was mature," Pitt said.
'This is our life and we're gonna make the best of it.'
He added. "
It was clear that in addition to Jolie's courage, Pitt had to be strong as well, explaining that his role in his wife's battles with her health was "Support.