Aleanca kundër importit te plehrave - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

VizionPlusAlbania 2015-11-21

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Duhet te jene vete shqiptaret përmes një referendumi qe te vendosin nëse do te lejojnë importin e plehrave ne Shqipëri apo jo. Këtë propozim qe pritet te kthehet ne nisme e ka mare një përfaqësi e shoqërisë civile te organizuar ne Aleancën kundër importit te plehrave.
Kjo aleanca paralajmëron reagimin deri ne dyert e Gjykatës Kushtetuese për te penguar ligjin. Presidenti Topi ne 14 tetor ka kthyer mbrapsht ligjin e plehrave i cili u miratua ne Kuvend me 69 vota pro dhe 55 kundër. Sipas kreut te shtetit ishte neni 49 ai qe lejonte importin e plehrave ne vendin tone, i cili bie ne kundërshtim te hapur me kushtetutën. Por menjëherë mazhoranca ka deklaruar se nuk do ti bënte asnjë ndryshim ligjit i cili pritet te votohet për here te dyte.

Albanians themselves should be through a referendum to decide whether to allow imports of fertilizer in Bangladesh or not. This proposal is expected to return to the initiative has taken a representative of organized civil society in the Alliance against import of fertilizers.
This alliance warns in response to the doors of the Constitutional Court to prevent the law. President Topi on October 14 has turned back the fertilizer law which was passed in Parliament with 69 votes in favor and 55 against. According to the head of state he was Article 49 that allow the import of fertilizers in our country, which falls in open contradiction with the constitution. But the majority immediately declared that they would not make any law change is expected to vote for the second time.

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