Ende mister vdekja e agjentit te SHISH - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

VizionPlusAlbania 2015-11-21

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Vdekja e oficerit te kundërzbulimit ne Shërbimin Informativ Shtetëror ne Durrës, Isa Çopa, mbetet e veshur me mister. Edhe pse policia zyrtarisht deklaron se pista kryesore e hetimit është vetëflijimi, nga faktet e mbledhura deri tani, ekspertet nuk përjashtojnë as pistën e vrasjes.
Madje, te afërmit e te ndjerit e përforcojnë me tej këtë version, duke thënë se ai nuk kishte motiv për te kryer vetëvrasje. Edhe oficere te SHISH-it, qe kane punuar me te ndjerin ne Durrës, kane shprehur dyshime se behet fjale për ekzekutim, nisur edhe nga çarja e kafkës. Ekspertet lokale qe këqyren te paret vendin e ngjarjes, thane se këto dëmtime ishin shkaktuar nga qitja e një plumbi te pistoletës se oficerit, qe kishte shkaktuar edhe një vrime dalëse ne tavanin e makinës. Ndërkohë, policia e Durrësit nuk ka dhënë ende asnjë version zyrtar për motivet qe mund te kenë çuar oficerin drejt këtij akti. Gjithë zona pranë Currilave, ku ndodhi ngjarja, vazhdon te jete e rrethuar. Asnjë mjet nuk lejohet te afrohet me shume se 3 kilometra rreth vendit ku u dogj makina e zyrtarit te larte te SHISH. Çopa u gjet i shkrumbuar brenda mjetit ne orët e para te mëngjesit te se martës. Ai ishte babai i një fëmije dhe punonte prej mese 14 vjetësh ne strukturat e SHISH-it. Se fundmi ai ishte me detyre oficer ne sektorin e ndjekjes se te huajve.

Death counterintelligence officer in the State Information Service in Durres, Isa pieces, coated with mystery remains. Although the police officially stated that the main track of the investigation is self-sacrifice, the evidence gathered so far, experts do not rule out murder as the runway.
Moreover, relatives of the deceased and further reinforce this version, saying he had no motive to commit suicide. Even SHISH officers, who worked with the deceased in Durres, have expressed doubts that it is about execution, starting from the breakage of the skull. Local experts that accessible to the first scene, said that these injuries were caused by the shooting of a pistol bullet to the officer, who had also caused an exit hole in the ceiling of the car. Meanwhile, police in Durres has not yet given any official version of the motives that may have led the officer to act. The whole area near the dribble, where the event continues to be surrounded. None of the approaching vehicle is not allowed more than 3 kilometers around the country where the car burned senior SIS. Pieces were found inside the vehicle incinerating in the early hours of Tuesday morning. He was the father of a child and worked for more than 14 years in the bottle's structure. Finally it was the duty of the prosecuting officer in the sector to foreigners.

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