Komisioni i Ligjeve miraton Kodin Rrugor - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

VizionPlusAlbania 2015-11-21

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Komisioni parlamentar i ligjeve prodhoi produktin e pare konsensual, pas marrëveshjes me palëve politike ne konferencën e kryetareve. Ky ishte një ndryshim ne Kodin Rrugor, qe kërkon minimalisht 84 vota.
Veçse ajo qe i ndau palët, ishte kohëzgjatja ne shqyrtimin e projektit. Te majtët u shprehen se nuk duhet te ketë ngutshmeri ne miratimin e ligjeve me shumice te cilësuar. Gjate diskutimit te draftit, deputetet demokrate e socialiste kane shkëmbyer edhe replika mes tyre. Bashkim Fino iu referua votës kundër te disa deputeteve te mazhorances për kandidatin e presidentit për KLSH, Sali Shehu, ndërsa Dashnor Sula tha se e njëjta gjë ndodhi edhe me kandidatin socialist për president ne 2007, Fatos Nano. Por pavarësisht debatit, palët pranuan rëndësinë qe ka amendimi i kodit rrugor, për uljen e numrit te aksidenteve. Ndryshimi i fundit ligjor parashikon vendosjen e regjistruesve dixhitale për mjetet e transportit. Ky aparat, i quajtur Tahograf, mat kohen dhe shpejtësinë e lëvizjes se mjetit. Drejtuesit e makinave mbi 3.5 ton nuk duhet te udhëtojnë me shume se 4 ore e gjysme pa u ndalur për te pushuar. Aparati kushton nga 200 deri ne 400 euro dhe duhet ta përdorin rreth 20 mije automjete.

Parliamentary law committee produced the first product of consensus, after the deal with political parties in the conference chairmen. This was a change in the Highway Code, which requires at least 84 votes.
But she was awarded the parties, was to review the project duration. The leftists were expressed that there should be no urgency in the adoption of laws by a qualified majority. During discussion of the draft, the socialist Democrat MPs have also exchanged between their replies. Fino Union referred to some MPs vote against the majority for the presidential candidate for SAI, Sali Shehu, while Sula LEMAN said the same thing happened to the socialist candidate for president in 2007, Fatos Nano. But despite the debate, the parties acknowledged the importance of amending the Traffic Code, to reduce the number of accidents. Last modification provides for the establishment of legal digital enumerators for transportation. This device, called tachograph, mat time and movement speed of the vehicle. Drivers of vehicles over 3.5 tonnes must not travel more than 4 and a half hours without stopping to rest. The equipment costs from 200 to 400 euros and have to use about 20 thousand vehicles.

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