Kuvend, debat për rrugët - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

VizionPlusAlbania 2015-11-22

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Miratimi i marrëveshjes se huase për financimin e projektit te By Pass-it te Fierit dhe Vlorës ka risjelle ne sallën e Kuvendit debatin për vonesën ne ndërtimin e këtyre arterieve. Opozita akuzon qeverinë se investon vetëm ne periudha zgjedhjesh. Por ministri Olldashi ka numëruar 9 mije km rruge qe janë shtruar gjate viteve te fundit. Ndërtimi i boshtit te jugut ka qene vazhdimisht ne qendër te debatit opozite mazhorances gjate viteve te fundit; pasi sipas opozitës qeveria diskriminon zonat ku nuk ka elektorat.

Approval of the loan agreement to finance the project's Pass By Fier and Vlora recall the debate in the Assembly Hall for the delay in construction of these arteries. The opposition accuses the government that invests only in election periods. But Minister Olldashi numbered 9 thousand km road that are paved in recent years. Building south axis has been constantly in the center of the debate the opposition majority in recent years, after the opposition government discriminates against areas where no electorate.

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