Prodhimet "Made in Albania" qe shiten jashtë kufijve te Shqipërisë kane pasuar një rënie te ndjeshme gjate tremujorit te pare te këtij viti. Te dhënat zyrtare te institutit te statistikave tregojnë se eksportet kane rene ne vlere NE raport me tremujorin e pare 2011. Gjate muajve janar-mars janë regjistruar 45. 1 miliard leke nga ky sektor, ndërsa një vit me pare ne te njëjtën periudhe u siguruan 51.5 mld leke. Bizneset eksportuese ankohen se puna ka rene ndeshem si pasoje edhe krizës se vendeve fqinje. Për ekspertet e fushës sektori i eksporteve duket se nuk do te udhëheqë këtë viti rritjen ekonomike pasi e ardhmja duket e pasigurt. Një vit me pare eksportet ishin kontribuuesit kryesore qe dhanë ndikim ne rritjen ekonomike. Por thellimi i krizës ne Greqi dhe Itali aty dhe ku janë partnere kryqore te Shqipërisë kane bere qe situata ne këtë fillim viti te përkeqësohet.
Products "Made in Albania" was sold across the borders have followed a significant decline during the first quarter of this year. The official records of the institute of statistics show that exports have fallen in value relative to the first quarter of 2011. During the months from January to March were recorded 45. 1 billion from this sector, while a year ago in the same period were obtained 51.5 billion lek. Exporting businesses complain that the work has fallen due to the crisis encountered the neighboring countries. For experts in the export sector appears not to lead this year's economic growth as the future seems uncertain. A year ago, exports were the main contributors to economic growth given effect. But the deepening crisis in Greece and Italy there and where are kryqore partner of Albania have made the situation to worsen during the first quarter.