Kultivimi i bimëve narkotike - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

VizionPlusAlbania 2015-11-22

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Kur policia i ka shpallur edhe lufte publike kultivimit te hashashit, ne zona te tera kjo bime e ndalur narkotike vijon te mbillet e me pas tregtohet. Kamera e "Vizion Plus" ka shkuar ne një nga zonat e lumit te Vlorës, ku ka gjetur një parcele me hashash mbjelle ne afërsi te brigjeve te lumit. Mes shkurreve dhe bimësisë se shumte kanabisi nuk ishte i vështire te dallohej, pasi lartësia e tij arrinte ne 2 metër. Edhe pse ne dukje pa pronar, kjo parcele me hashash mbikëqyret rregullisht.
Kjo sipërfaqe toke me bime narkotike është hapur kohet e fundit, madje te zotet e saj duket se kane gjetur edhe burimin e ujit për vaditjen rregullisht te kanabisit. E ndërsa hashashi ne zonën e lumit te Vlorës po behet gati për tu korrur nga kultivuesit, për policinë e qytetit bregdetar kjo rezulton ne hartën e zonave problematike. Pavarësisht aksioneve te nisura nga policia e Vlorës por jo vetëm, banore te fshatrave përreth apo persona te tjerë vijojnë te kultivojnë kanabis, një bime e ndalur me ligj por fitimprurëse.

When police had publicly declared war opium poppy cultivation, in whole areas of the plant stop this drug continues to implant and then marketed. Camera's "Vision Plus" has gone to one of the areas of Vlora River, where he found a parcel planted with opium poppies in the vicinity of the river banks. Among numerous shrubs and vegetation that cannabis was not difficult to discern, as it reached the height of 2 meters. Although apparently without an owner, this parcel with hashish regularly monitored.
This area of ??land with narcotic plant was opened recently, even the owners of it seems to have found the source of water for irrigation cannabis regularly. While hashish in the Vlora area of the river is getting ready to be harvested by the growers, the coastal city police this map results in problematic areas. Despite the police actions initiated by the Vlora but not limited to residents of surrounding villages or other persons continue to grow cannabis, a plant stopped by law but profitable.

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