"E ndërtojmë ne shtëpinë muze" - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

VizionPlusAlbania 2015-11-22

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Pasi denoncoi një dite me pare shkatërrimin e shtëpize muze ne Korçe, kreu i bashkise Niko Peleshi doli para media duke deklaruar se është i gatshëm qe ta rindërtojë godinën me fondet e institucionit qe ai drejton. Kryetari Peleshi i beri thirrje Ministrisë se Kulturës qe te lejoje rindërtimin e objektit, ku Korça u shpall krahine autonome, duke u shprehur se arkitektet e bashkise janë te gatshme te bëjnë projektin vullnetarisht. Me tej kryetari bashkise thotë se është i gatshëm te blejë token, pronareve te saj me çdo çmim për rindërtimin e shtëpisë muze, duke premtuar njëkohësisht se kjo godine do te jete gati ne "100-vjetorin e pavarësisë". Ndonëse ende nuk ka asnjë autor te dyshuar për shkatërrimin e shtëpisë monument kulture, prokuroria e Korçës ka nisur hetimet, pas denoncimit qe inspektorati ndërtimor i bashkise beri për shembjen e godinës. Një dite me pare, shtëpia ku Themistokli Germenji shpalli Korçën krahinë e autonome, u shkatërrua nga persona te panjohur.

Once a day earlier denounced the destruction of the lodge museum in Korce, head of the municipality Peleshi Niko came before media stating that he is willing to reconstruct the building with funds from the institution he leads. Peleshi President urged the Ministry of Culture to allow reconstruction of the facility, which was declared autonomous province Korca, stating that the municipality's architects are ready to make the project voluntarily. Further, Mayor says he is willing to buy land, its owners at any cost to rebuild the house museum, also promised that this building will be ready in "100-anniversary of independence." Although the author still has no suspects for the destruction of the house monument of culture, the prosecution of Korca has launched an investigation after the denunciation of municipal building inspectors made ??to demolish the building. A day earlier, the house where Themistokli Germenji Korca declared autonomous province, was destroyed by persons unknown.

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