Bizneset e vogla ne Fier po përjetojnë ditet e tyre me te vështira. 162 jane mbyllyr, ndersa 36 aktivitete jane ne proces pezullimi. Tregtaret pohojne se fuqia blerese ka rene ndjeshem dhe tashme eshte e veshtire te perballohen taksat dhe tatimet. Ata thone se paguajne me te ardhurat e perfituara nder vite, por kjo situate nuk mund te vazhdoje gjate. Ne zyren e tatim-taksave ne Fier sqarojne se raporti i hapjes dhe mbylljes se bizneseve eshte nje me nje. Por edhe ato aktivitete qe hapen nuk mbijetojne me shume se tre muaj ne treg. Kriza ekonomike po ndjehet me shume te biznesi i vogel, falimenti i te cilit po njeh vetem shifra ne rritje ne te gjithe vendin.
Small businesses in Fier are experiencing their most difficult days. 162 are CLOSED, while 36 are in the process of suspending activities. The traders claim that purchasing power has declined significantly and is now difficult to cope taxes. They say they pay income earned over the years, but this situation can not continue long. Tax office in Fier clarify that the ratio of the opening and closing is a business with a. But even those activities that opened not survive more than three months on the market. The economic crisis is felt by many small businesses, whose bankruptcy is recognizing only numbers on the rise across the country.