Bashkimi Evropian ka shprehur shqetësimin per situatën aktuale ne vend, ndërsa i ka bere thirrje qeverise qe te djalogoje me grevistet e urisë, duke e quajtura këtë nje prioritet. Duke folur ne Bruksel, vetëm pak minuta para mbylljes se 31 ditëve te refuzimit te ushqimit nga ana e ish te përndjekurve, zedhenesi i komisionerit Fyle, Peter Stanu, tha, se be po ndjek me vëmendje zhvillimet ne Shqipëri dhe rekomandon qe situata te zgjidhet brenda kuadrit ligjor institucional. Deklarata e komisionit evropian erdhi vetem pak minuta para mbylljes se grevës dhe kur pamjet e djegies se dy prej ish te përndjekurve bene xhiron e botes,duke zene vend ne faqet e shtypit me te rendesiheshem ndërkombëtar.
The European Union has expressed concern about the current situation in the country, and has urged the government to djalogoje with the hunger strikers, calling it a priority. Speaking in Brussels, just a few minutes before closing 31 days of food refusal by the former persecuted, Commissioner Füle spokesman Peter Stanu, said that the EU is following the developments in Albania and recommends that the situation be resolved within institutional framework. European Commission statement came only a few minutes before closing the strike, and when footage of burning two of persecuted made ??the rounds of the world, taking place in the media international rendesiheshem.