Sequi-Wolfarth: Zgjidhje "Fierit" - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

VizionPlusAlbania 2015-11-22

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Ndersa politika vijon debatet dhe akuzat e ndersjellta per qarkun e Fierit, nderkombetaret zbresin vete ne kete qytet. Ambasadori i Bashkimit Europian ne Tirane, Ettore Sequi dhe ambasadori i OSBE-së, Wolfarth, ne prani edhe te liderit te opozites Edi Rama, gjate nje aktiviteti, kane perseritur apelin per zgjidhje te ngerçit politik. Me i prere eshte shprehur shefi i prezences se OSBE-së, Eugen Volfarth. I pyetur nga Vizion Plus, diplomati i larte perserti qendrimin per zgjidhje sa me te shpejte te çeshtjes se Fierit, ndersa shprehu mbeshtetjen e hapur per drejtesine ne lidhje me kete çeshtje. Ndersa diplomati i Bashkimit Europian, Ettore Sequi, ka perseritur se klasa politike duhet te plotesoje kushtet e vena nga BE, per te qene pjese e saj. Sipas ambasadorit te Bashkimit Europian, marrja e statusit eshte me rendesi kombetare ndaj politika duhet te punoje per te qene pjese e Europes, jo vetem gjeografikisht. Ndersa lideri i opozites ka lene te kuptohet se partia Socialiste nuk do te terhiqet nga çeshtja e Fierit. Sipas kryesocialistit, aktiviteti i sotem tregon se Fieri eshte ne Europe.

While following policy debates and mutual accusations Fier region, internationally down themselves in this city. European Union Ambassador in Tirana, Ettore Sequi and Ambassador to the OSCE, Wolfarth, in the presence of the opposition leader Edi Rama, during the activity, have reiterated the appeal for a resolution of the political stalemate. Flatly stated OSCE presence chief, Eugen Wollfarth. Asked by Vizion Plus, senior diplomat perserti position as soon as possible solutions to the issue of Fier, and expressed open support for justice in this matter. While European Union diplomat Ettore Sequi, reiterated that the political class must meet the conditions set by the EU, to be part of it. According to the ambassador of the European Union, receiving the status is of national importance to the policy should work to be part of Europe, not only geographically. As leader of the opposition has indicated that the Socialist party will not withdraw from the issue of Fier. According kryesocialistit today's activity shows that Fieri is in Europe

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