Si te mos mjaftonte i ftohti ekstrem, qyteti i Korçes mbetet edhe pa energji elektrike.
Qe nga mbrëmja e se merkures, te gjitha rruget dhe me shume se gjysma e lagjeve te qytetit juglindor, jane zhytur ne erresire te plote. Shkak i territ energjetik eshte bere vjedhja e 3.5 kilometrave kabell elektrik nga persona te paidentifikuar. Bashkia ka nisur marrjen e masave per rikthimin e ndriçimit ne qytet, ndersa ben apel per te distancimin nga veprime te tilla. Shqetesim per bashkine e Korçes eshte kthyer edhe vjedhja e pemeve dekorative vendosur ne sheshet e qytetit per festat e fundvitit.
As extreme cold was not enough, the city of Korca remain without electricity.
Since Wednesday evening, all the roads and more than half of the southeastern city suburbs, are immersed in complete darkness. Because of the darkness, energy has become 3.5 kilometers of electrical cable theft by unidentified persons. The municipality has initiated measures to restore lighting in the city, while making an appeal to the distance from such actions. Concern for the municipality of Korca has returned the theft of decorative trees located on the streets of the city for the holidays.