21 dhjetori i 2012 nuk ishte fundi i botes, por kjo date e muajit te fundit te vitit, njihet si fillimi i vërtete i dimrit. 21 dhjetori ose ndryshe ekuinoksi i dimrit shenon diten naten me te gjate te vitit dhe ditën me te shkurtër. Sot nata eshte 15 ore ndersa dita 9 ore. Sipas astrofizikanteve, solstici i dimrit sjell edhe ftohjen e motit ndersa dielli lind ne oren 7:42 minuta dhe perendon ne 16.44 minuta. Thene ndryshe tashme do te kemi me shume ore erresire dhe me pak dite. Por pavaresiht solsticitit dimeror qe sjell dhe ftohjen e kohes, ditet e fundit te dhjetorit dhe te ketij viti do te jene me mot mire. Gjate javes se ardhshme parashikohet nje rritje prej 4 gradesh e temperaturave. Ne te gjithe vendin 25 dhjetori qe perkon edhe me festen e Krishtlindjeve do te jete me temperatura pranverore 14 deri 15 grade celsius. Ne harten sinoptike nuk duken rreshje shiu dhe as debore. ndërsa ne zonat malore ku temperaturat kane qene me minus gjate këtyre diteve do te jene pozitive.
21 December 2012 was not the end of the world, but this date of the last month of the year, known as the real beginning of winter. December 21 or else the winter equinox marks the day of the longest night and the shortest day. Today night is 15 hours while day 9 hours. According to astrophysicists, the winter solstice brings the weather cooling while the sun rises at 7:42 and sets at 16.44 minutes minutes. Other words now will have more hours of darkness and with a few days. But irrespective solsticitit winter brings and cooling time, the last days of December and this year will be good weather. During the next week forecast a rise of 4 degrees of temperature. Across the country December 25, which coincides with the Christmas holiday will be spring temperatures 14 to 15 degrees centigrade. Synoptic map look no rain or snow drifts. while in the mountainous areas where temperatures were less during these days will be positive.