Durrës, lirojnë shtëpinë pesë familje - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

VizionPlusAlbania 2015-11-22

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Pas dështimit nje dite me pare, sot zyra e përmbarimit ne Durrës ka arritur te nxjerre nga shtëpitë e ish-pronareve 5 familje, qe jetonin ne rrugën tregtare. Banoret edhe pse i kane bere rezistence policisë kane pranuar ne fund te dalin, por nuk kane lejuar heqjen e orendive shtëpiake. Përmbaruesit kane qene te shoqëruar nga policia e qytetit per te shmangur çdo incident te mundshëm. Pavarësisht rezistencës qe kane bere 5 familjet, zyra te tjera përmbarimore private kanë vazhduar me zbatimin e vendimeve per lirimin e banesave te ish-pronareve. Një pjese banoreve nuk kane bere rezistence duke u larguar vete.

After failing the day before, today the executive office in Durres has managed to derive from the former owners of 5 family homes, living in commercial way. Residents although police have made ??resistance have received at the end of the stem, but have not allowed the removal of household furniture. Bailiffs have been accompanied by the police of the city to avoid any potential incident. Despite resistance have made 5 families, other private executive office continued with the implementation of the decisions for the release of housing to former owners. Some residents have not resisted leaving him.

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