Maskat, në pranga 2 vëllezër - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

VizionPlusAlbania 2015-11-22

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Nje dite pas grabitjes me maska te pasagjereve ne autobusin e linjes Sarande-Tirane, policia e Gjirokastrës, ka arrestuar dy persona te dyshuar si autore te ngjarjes. Operacioni i drejtuar nga shefi i komisionarit te qytetit ka bere te mundur prangosjen e dy vëllezërve, Babush dhe Melsen Ruçi. Përfaqësues te policise se ketij qarku, thane jane kontrolluar nje sere banesash ne fshatin Manaj, te Tepelenes nga ku rezultoi se ne shtëpinë e dy vëllezërve u sekuestruan nje sere armesh, municionesh dhe materiale ndërtimi qe rezultojnë te vjedhura. Arrestimi i dy te rinjve Ruçi erdhi pas shoqërimeve ne polici te shume shtesave ne komisariatin e Tepelenës dhe Gjirokastrës. Ngjarja e rende ndodhi pak pas mesnatës se te hënës, ne dalje te Tepelenës, kur dy te rinjtë me maska qëlluan me arme autobusin e linjës Sarande -Tirane. Pasi terrorizuan pasagjeret morën prej tyre 30 mije leke dhe me pas u larguan ne drejtim te lumit Vjose. Fenomeni i grabitjes me maska u rikthye ne jug te vendit pas 14 vitesh.

A day after masked robbery of passengers on the bus line Sarande-Tirana, Gjirokastra police have arrested two people suspected perpetrators of the incident. The operation led by the chief commissioner of the city has made possible the handcuffing of two brothers, Babush and Melsen Ruchi. Representatives of this county police said were searched a number of houses in the village Manaj, Tepelena where it resulted that in the house of two brothers were seized a number of weapons, ammunition and construction materials resulting stolen. The arrest of two young Ruchi came after police associations in many supplements in Tepelena station and Gjirokastra.Serious event occurred shortly after midnight on Monday, we exit Tepelena, when two masked youths shot Sarande-line bus Tirana. Once terrorized passengers took them 30 thousand lek and then fled in the direction of the river delta. The phenomenon of masked robbery returned to the south of the country after 14 years.

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