Edhe pse u dergua per kurim me te specializuar ne Itali, shefi i krimeve te Matit Musa Skura nuk ka mundur t'i mbijetoje plagëve te marra. Ai ka humbur jeten mbrëmjen e se henes ne spitalin e Foxhias ne Itali. Lajmi është konfirmuar nga familjaret, te cilet bene te ditur se Skura ndërroi jete ne oren 10:30 te mbremjes. Skura u transferua nje jave me pare ne gjendje teper te rende ne spitalin "Padre Pio", per shkak te demtimit te 5 organeve dhe hemorragjisë se brendshme. Komisari Musa Skura u plagos mbremjen e 13 janarit gjate nje operacioni per arrestimin e anëtarëve te nje bande kriminale. Ne aksion e siper, disa persona kane shkëmbyer zjarr me efektivat blu. Per pasoje u plagos me 1 plumb ne gjoks dhe 2 te tjere ne trup 57-vjeçari Musa Skura. Gjithashtu, mbeti i plagosur edhe njeri prej agresoreve, Fitim Alla. Ngjarja e rende ndodhi ne rrugen nacionale Burrel-Klos, ne afersi te fshatit Suç, te rrethit te Matit.
Although it was sent for specialized treatment in Italy, Mat crimes chief Musa Skura could not survive their injuries. He died Monday night in Foxhias hospital in Italy. The news was confirmed by family members, who announced that Skura passed away at 10:30 pm. Skura was transferred a week ago in a very serious condition in the hospital "Padre Pio", because of the damage to 5 organs and internal bleeding. Commissioner Musa Skura was injured the evening of January 13 during an operation to arrest members of a criminal gang. We share the above, some people have exchanged fire with blue effectives. Consequently was injured with 1 bullet in the chest and 2 others in the body 57-year-old Musa Skura. Also, he was also injured one of the aggressors, Alla profit. Serious event occurred on the national road Burrel - Klos, near village Suç, Mat district.