Kryqi i madh i vendosur ne rrugen nacionale Elbasan Tirane, ne fshatin Fikas, eshte demtuar gjate nates.
Policia dyshon se pjeset metalike jane prere dhe grabitur me qellim qe me pas te shiten per skrap, duke e përjashtuar ngjarjen nga motivet fetare. Nderkohe hetimet nuk përjashtojnë qe grabitja te jete bere edhe me nje shpërthim tritoli. Por, klerikë te Kishes Ortododokse ne Elbasan, e kane cilësuar te qëllimshëm dëmtimin e ketij objekti kulti. Ndersa policia po kryhen veprimet hetimore per zbardhjen e ngjarjes, kleriket shtojne se te tilla akte veten demtojne harmonine fetare ne vend. Kryqi i madh u vu ne kete pjese te rruges nacionale ne vitin 2005 dhe asokohe vendosja e tij shkaktoi polemika te shumta.
Cross great set national road Elbasan to Tirana, Fikas village, was damaged during the night.
Police suspect that the metal parts are cut and ripped in order to then be sold for scrap, excluding religious motives event. While the investigation did not rule out that robbery is done with a blast tritoli. But the Church clerics Ortododokse in Elbasan, have considered intentional damage this cult object. While police are carried out investigative actions whitening event clergy add that such acts of self harm religious harmony in the country. Large cross was placed in this part of the national road in 2005 and then his placement caused numerous controversies.