Kuvend: Debati për Albpetrol-in - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

VizionPlusAlbania 2015-11-22

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Procesi i privatizimit te kompanise shteterore te naftes Albpetrol, i cili duket i bllokuar edhe pse u shpall nje kompani fituese e tenderit dhjetorin e kaluar, ka rikthyer debatin ne parlament. Socialisti Erion Braçe u shpreh se qeveritare te larte jane te implikuar ne kete proces. Ministri i financave Ridvan Bode tha se projektligji per sektorin e gazit, qe u kalua ne parlament, ne thelb e zhvesh nga ekskluziviteti per linjen e vetme te transportit te gazit ne vend, kompanine Albpetrol. Zv/ministri i Ekonomise deklaroi se nese fiton projekti ndërkombëtar i gazsjellësit trans-adriatik, atehere ne Shqipëri hapen mijera vende pune. Opozita, e cila e mbeshteti draftin per sektorin e gazit dhe perpjekjet e qeverise per projektin TAP, kerkoi qe ai te mos perdoret per fushaten elektorale e cila eshte ne prag.

The process of privatization of the state oil company Albpetrol, which seems locked although announces a tender winner company last December, has returned to the debate in parliament. Socialist Erion Brace said that senior executives are involved in this process. Finance Minister Ridvan Bode said the bill for the gas sector, which was passed in the parliament, we basically strip out the exclusive line of single gas transport in the country, the company Albpetrol. Deputy / Minister of Economy said that if he wins the International Trans-Adriatic Pipeline project, then we Albania opened thousands of jobs. The opposition, which supported the draft for the gas sector and the government's efforts TAP project, asked that it not be used for election campaign which is on the verge.

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