Peticion kundër gërmimeve të grekëve - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

VizionPlusAlbania 2015-11-22

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Djemtë e rinj ne Tepelene, te cilet kundërshtojnë kërkimin e eshtrave te ushtareve greke te rene ne territorin tone, jane mbledhur per te protestuar. Grupi i djemve patriotike te Tepelenës protetuan përçapa monumentit te Ali Pashes, duke kundërshtuar kërkimin e eshtrave me argumentin se per aq kohe sa shqiptaret nuk kane gjetur te drejtat e tyre ne Greqi, nuk duhet te ndodhe e kundërta. Grupi i djemve patriotike thotë se nisma e ndërmarrë nga qeveria do te kundërshtohet edhe nga shume qytetare te tjerë, pasi ka nisur mbledhja e firmave te banoreve te zonës per te mbështetur peticionin qe kundërshton kete proces. Nga ana tjeter ne qytetin juglindor te Korçes, pritet te gërmohet ne 73 zona, por banoret e vjetër te këtyre fshatrave thone se nuk ka patur varre te ushtrave greke. Edhe ne fshatin Dardhe te Korçes, banoret thene se nuk ka patur as luftime ne këtë zone. Kërkimi i eshtrave te ushtareve greke te rene gjate luftës, ka sjelle reagimin e shume institucioneve dhe organizatave.

Young men in Tepelene, who oppose the research of bone Greek soldiers fallen in our territory, gathered to protest. Tepelena patriotic boys group protetuan Ali Pasha monument's approach, rejecting bone research, arguing that as long as the Albanians have not found their rights in Greece, should not happen otherwise. Patriotic boys group says the initiative taken by the government will be challenged by many other citizens, having begun collecting signatures of residents of the area to support a petition that opposes the process. On the other hand in the southeastern city of Korca, expected to be excavated in 73 areas, but older residents of these villages say that there were no graves Greek army. Even in village of Korca pear, people said that there was no fighting in the area. Search for bones fallen Greek soldiers during the war, has brought the reaction of many institutions and organizations.

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