Maqedoni, reagimet për letrën e Fyle - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

VizionPlusAlbania 2015-11-22

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Pas letres se eurokomisioneri per zgjerim Shtefan Fyle, i cili i kerkon paleve ne Maqedoni zgjidhjen e krizes, ka ardhur reagimi i dy partive kryesore ne vend, VMRO-DPMNE-së dhe LSDM-së.
Permes nje komunikate per shtyp, te leshuar nga zyra e kryeministrit thuhet se qeveria i ka bere te gjitha përpjekjet per arritjen e nje kompromisi te mundshëm, por ka hasur pengesën serioze te partisë me te madhe opozitare. Ndërkaq, nenkryetari i LSDM-sëe Zoran Jovanovski ka akuzuar Gruevskin duke thene se ai eshte kryeministër, dhe eshte pikërisht ai qe duhet te marre pergjegjesite per krizen qe ka krijuar. Te enjten permes nje letre Brukseli zyrtar ka bere serish thirrje per zgjidhjen e krizes përmes dialogut. Eurokomisioneri per zgjerim Shtefan Fyle ka shprehur shqetësimin per situaten aktuale, ndërsa ka kerkuar arritjen e nje kompromisi. Ky ishte hapi i pare konkret i ndërkombëtareve pas vendimit te partisë se Cervenkovskit per te bojkotuar zgjedhjet lokale dhe punimet e kuvendit.

After the letter eurokomisioneri Enlargement Commissioner Stefan Fule, who asks parties in Macedonia resolve the crisis, has been the reaction of the two main parties in the country, VMRO-DPMNE and SDSM.
Through a press release issued by the office of the Prime Minister said that the government has made all efforts to reach a compromise possible, but has faced serious obstacle to the largest opposition party. Meanwhile, Deputy SDSM see Zoran Jovanovski has accused Gruevski said he was prime minister, and it is he that must take responsibility for the crisis that has been created. Thursday through a Brussels official paper has made ??the call again to resolve the crisis through dialogue. Eurokomisioneri Enlargement Commissioner Stefan Fule expressed concern about the current situation, and called for a compromise. This was the first concrete step internationals after Crvenkovski party decision to boycott the elections and proceedings of the Assembly.

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