Administrata e gjyqësorit, me shumice te thjeshte - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

VizionPlusAlbania 2015-11-23

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Maxhoranca ne komisionin e Ligjeve ka vendosur qe projekt-ligji per administraten gjyqesore te miratohet me shumice te thjeshte, edhe pse ne variantin qe qeveria solli fillimisht drafti parashikonte 84 vota per kalimin e ketij ligji.
Amendimi eshte propozuar nga relatori Enkelejd Alibeaj dhe eshte miratuar pavarësisht qendrimit te opozites se shumica e thjeshte per nje ligj qe rregullon veprimtarinë e gjyqesorit eshte antikushtetuese. Sipas Gjiknurit i gjithe pushteti gjyqësor rregullohet ne baze te ligjeve te miratuara me shumice te cilesuar dhe nuk mundet qe drafti per administratën e gjyqësorit te kaloje me shumice te thjeshte. Ende nuk dihet nese ps do ta dergoje ne gjykatën kushtetuese ligjin per administratën e gjyqesorit ne rast se maxhoranca e kalon ne seance me 71 vota.

Majority in the Law Commission has decided that the draft law on judicial administration approved with a simple majority, even though the government brought the first draft version provided 84 votes for passage of this law.
The amendment was proposed by rapporteur Enkelejd Alibeaj and was approved despite opposition stance that most of the ordinary for a law that regulates the activity of the judiciary is unconstitutional. According Gjiknuri the whole judicial power is regulated according to the laws adopted by qualified majority and can not draft for the administration of the judiciary to pass with a simple majority. Not yet known if ps will send in constitutional law court for judicial administration if the majority of passes in the session with 71 votes.

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