Mberriti sot ne Tirane, ne nje klime politike te tensionuar, Catherine Ashton, perfaqesuesja e larte per politiken e jashtme dhe sigurine, prane unionit, e cila ka bere dhe vendin tone pjese te turneut te saj, ne Ballkanin perendimor.
Deri ne keto momente, zonja Ashton ka zhvilluar nje bisede per rreth 45 minuta me presidentin Bujar Nishani dhe me pas eshte nisur ne zyren e kryeministrit Berisha. Takimi i trete dhe i fundit i eshte rezervuar kryetarit te partise Socialiste, Edi Rama dhe pas pak minutash pritet qe zonja Ashton te mbaje dhe nje konference per shtyp ne ambientet e hotel "Sheraton". Mesohet se situata e pergatitjeve te zgjedhjeve te qershorit ka qene ne qender te bisedimeve te baroneshes Ashton me protagonistet e shtetit dhe politikes shqiptare. Me specifikisht mendohet te kete zene vend ne takimet e saj situata e krijuar pas seances se mbremshme, qe konkludoi me shkarkimin e anetarit te KQZ-së Ilirjan Muho dhe zevendesimin e tij me Klement Zgurin. Me heret, Bashkimi Europian kishte deklaruar se kjo do te cenonte besimin ne zgjedhjet e 23 qershorit. Ndersa neser ne Tirane pritet te mberrije dhe drejtori per Euroazine ne Departamentin Amerikan te Shtetit, Jonathan Moore, si dhe dy raportere te Keshillit te Europes per Shqiperine, Jonathan Evans dhe Grigore Petrenco. Kjo mesymje nderkombetare ne vendin tone, ka ne fokus situaten parazgjedhore ne Shqiperi.
Arrived today in Tirana, in a tense political climate, Catherine Ashton, high representative for foreign and security policy, at the union, which has become part of our country and its tour, in the western Balkans.
So OT, Lady Ashton has developed a conversation for about 45 minutes with President Nishani and then is given to the office of Prime Minister Sali Berisha. Meeting the third and final tank is chairman of the Socialist Party, Edi Rama, and after a few minutes that Lady Ashton is expected to hold a press conference and in the premises of the hotel "Sheraton". It was learned that the situation of the June election preparations has been at the center of Baroness Ashton talks with State and protagonists of Albanian politics. Specifically thought to have taken place in its meetings the situation after last night's session, which concluded with the dismissal of the members of the CEC Ilirijan Muho and its replacement with Clement Zguri. Earlier, the European Union has stated that it will undermine confidence in the elections of 23 June. While tomorrow is expected to arrive in Tirana and Director for Eurasia at the U.S. Department of State, Jonathan Moore, and two Council of Europe rapporteur for Albania, Jonathan Evans and Grigore Petrenco. This international sortie in our country has to focus election situation in Albania.