Laçi fiton Kupën e Shqipërisë - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

VizionPlusAlbania 2015-11-23

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120 minuta loje, emocion dhe spektakël ne fushën e blerte te "Qemal Stafes" dhe goli i Emiljano Çeles ne minuten e 119-të shmang penalltitë. Laçi ka arritur te triumfoje mbrëmjen e te premtes ne Tirane ne përballjen historike me Bylisin, duke fituar per here te pare nje trofe kaq te rendesishem, e duke i hapur vetes rrugen drejt Kupes se Europes. Nuk ka mjaftuar koha e rregullt e ndeshjes per te vendosur nje fitues, ndonëse Bylis luajti me 10 lojtare qe nga minuta e 20-të, pas daljes me karton te kuq te Arifaj, duke e bere lojen edhe me te vështirë per ballshiotet. E kur mendohej qe edhe koha shtese nuk do te ndante shifrat, vetem 1 minute përpara se skuadrat ti drejtoheshin portave per te gjuajtur penalltite, mbrojtesi Emiljano Çela zhbllokoi shifrat, duke i siguruar kurbinasve fitoren e duke çuar tifozet e shumte ne numër ne delir. Pas kesaj festa u ndez ne shkallet e stadiumit "Qemal Stafa" ne kryeqytet, ku tifozët ishin te shumte ne numer. Laçi dhe Bylis sfiduan njeri-tjetrin deri ne fund per te rrembyer trofeun jo vetem per vleren historike, por edhe per ate monetare, pasi tashme klubi fitues do te arkëtoje shpërblimin prej 200 milione lekesh. Por jo vetem kaq, pasi nga pjesëmarrja ne Ligen e Europes ekipi i Laçit do te përfitojë nga UEFA 100 mije euro shpërblim.

120 minutes into the game, the thrill and spectacle in the green field "Kemal Stafa" and Emiliano goal of keys in the 119th minute to avoid penalties. Laci has managed to triumph Friday night in Tirana historic confrontation with Byllis, winning for the first time a trophy so important, paving the way towards yourself Cup Europe. Not enough regular game time to decide a winner, though Byllis played with 10 players from the 20th minute, after coming out of Arifay red card, making the game even more difficult for ballshiotet. And when it was thought that the additional time will not share figures, only 1 minute before the teams turn to hunt gates to penalties, Cela unblocked defender Emiliano figures, assuring victory kurbinasve leading numerous fans in their delirium. After this feast was kindled in the steps of the stadium "Kemal Stafa" in the capital, where fans were numerous in number. Byllis Laci and challenged each other to the end for kidnapped trophy not only for historical value, but also for that money, after already winning club will receive the reward of 200 million lek. But not only that, because of the participation in the European League team will benefit from Lac UEFA Euro 100 thousand reward.

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