ISHP: Masa kundër malaries - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

VizionPlusAlbania 2015-11-23

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Pas alarmit për shtimin e te sëmurëve me malarje, specialistet e ISHP-se kane inspektuar situatën ne qytetin e Vlorës. Drejtuesit e këtij institucioni kane kërkuar nisjen e dezinfektimit te zonave te njohura si moçalishte apo vendeve me prani te ujerave te zeza. Ndërsa ne takimin me kryebashkiakun Gjika drejtuesit e ISHP-se kane biseduar për planin e masave ne prag te sezonit turistik ne ketë situate shqetësuese te përhapjes se malarjes.

After adding an alarm to patients with ague, SLI specialists have inspected the situation in the city of Vlora. The leaders of this institution have required launching disinfection of marshland areas or countries known as the presence of wastewater. While meeting with the mayor Gjika SLI executives have talked to your plan ahead of the tourist season in this situation of concern that malaria prevalence.

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