RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL — Racist internet trolls in Brazil are getting put on blast by an activist group that is tracking them down, and putting billboards with their hateful comments near where they live, BBC Trending reported. Back in July, Maria Julia Coutinho, Brazil's first black prime time weather reporter, was the target of racist netizens posting slurs and hateful comments on a picture that was posted to the Facebook page of the channel where she works. The civil rights organization Criola used geolocation to find the people whose name and picture appear right next to their comments. The organization then bought billboards in the neighborhoods where the people who made the comments live and published their vitriolic slurs, and hateful comments on the billboards. Racist hate speech is illegal in Brazil, but the troll's picture and name are blurred out on the billboards. Jurema Werneck, the founder of Criola, told BBC Trending: "Those people think they can sit in the comfort of their homes and do whatever they want on the internet. We don't let that happen. They can't hide from us, we will find them."
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