It's only uphill from here. I hope.
No endorsements by any company is inferred/intended.
Attempting to abide by the fair use act, if anything, this display only shows excerpts of the whole work and acts as a tribute to the owners involved.
Ameiro Cocoa OP Opening
*Ghost in the Shell: Arise – Alternative Architecture Episode 1 Ending
Ghost in the Shell: Arise – Alternative Architecture OP Opening
Hanakappa (Spring 2015) ED Ending (Hana Kappa ED)
Hanakappa (Spring 2015) OP Opening (Hana Kappa OP)
Hello!! Kiniro Mosaic OP Opening
Show By Rock!! ED Ending
Show By Rock!! OP Opening
Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V ED3 Ending 3
Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V OP3 Opening 3