Model: RC Pogo Vertical take-off Plane Senkrechtstarter Type of Drive: Electric 3S-3200mah SLS Lipo Stabi: KK2.1.5-Board mit Senkrechtstarter-SW Open-Aero .
Model: RC Arado AR-240 Type of Drive: Electric 8s Lipo Wingspan: ??? Scale: ??? Length: ??? Pilot: ??? Meeting: E-Meeting Birkholz 27.06.2016 More videos .
Model: RC Bell UH1-D 450 size FBL-System: Thunder Tiger GT5 Main Blades: Spinblades 325mm HS Type of Drive: Electric 3s Lipo Pilot: Daniel Meeting: .
Model: RC Me-163 from Hacker Type of Drive: Electric 3s Lipo Wingspan: 730mm Length: 480mm Weight: 350 gram Pilot: ??? Meeting: E-Meeting Birkholz .