Premrang starring Hiten Kumar with new find Pari is all set to release on 26th February 2016. Made under the banner of Playing Drama Entertainment Pvt Ltd is one of the most entertaining Gujarati films with ingredients that will lure viewers both in rural and urban areas. For Gujarati who love their language and culture, Gujarati movie PREMRANG is surely going to a production which will make them proud about it.
PREMRANG releases simultaneously in single screen cinemas and multiplexes in Gujarat on 26th February 2016.
Mahanayak Hiten Kumar as Ramlo, introducing Pari
Chandani Chopra, Pari, Jitu Pandya, Bharat Thakkar, Ayush Jadeja, Hari Rathod, Hetal Rathod, Usha Bhatiya, Ratan Rangwani, K. K. Makwana and Devendra Pandit
Banner: Playing Drama Entertainment Pvt. Ltd.
Writer-Director: Rafik Pathan
Music: Samir-Mana
Cinematography: Shridhar Bhatt and Manjay Soni
Editor: Jignesh Shah
Lyrics: Dilip Gondalia, Madhusudan Patel, Raju Boricha, Jayesh Prajapati, Hitesh Sinareja, Mittal Makarand
Singers: Nayan Rathod, Darshana Gandhi, Rag Mehta, Hiral Bramhbhatt, Nirav
Creative captain: Hiten Kumar