Women alone are amazing creatures. They have the ability to bring new life into the world with their bodies as well as be caregivers, activists, educators, and queens of the business world and still go home and take care of a family at the end of the day. Women have certainly been through a lot in the last century from suffrage and fighting to equal pay in the working world that’s dominated by men, women couldn’t be prouder of themselves. These days, women are fighting for more control of their bodies and their right to choose what to do with their lives. Of course there are more traditional views that still dominate today’s society on how women should look and act. The media has shown women what their standards are when it comes to beauty and how their bodies should look.
When women aren’t fighting equal rights, many of them are dealing with their own battles within themselves for self-acceptance and for the right to feel beautiful. If a woman doesn’t fit into the conventional definition of beauty, she may find herself being oppressed and ridiculed by her peers, especially women. That is not only mean, but also counter-productive to what women could accomplish if they set their minds to it.
This video contains a list of ten women that you won’t believe exist. Whether they are brilliant people, or they physically defy the laws of physics and prove that beauty comes in all forms, these women have made headlines and have made valid contributions to society and the community around them.
One woman named Cathie Jung has been working for 12 years in hopes of achieving attention for her body. Over the course of these 12 years, Cathie has been wearing a corset and gradually shrinking her waistline. Today, her waist is about 15 inches in circumference, breaking world records for the tiniest waist. On the opposite end of the spectrum, Mikel Ruffinelli has hips with a circumference of 8 feet. After Mikel gave birth to her first child, her hips expanded and grew. With each child she birthed, her hips continued to grow. She eats about 5,000 calories a day to maintain her record-breaking figure.
But women are much more than physical beauty. One of the smartest people in the world is a woman naked Marilyn vos Savant, who has an IQ of about 186. From 1986-1989, she held the Guinness Book of World Records for having the highest IQ before the category was discontinued in 1990 due to the inconsistency of the IQ tests. Considering that education for women is much younger than the educational system for men, this is quite an achievement and has proven that women can be just as smart (or smarter) than men.
Finally, women can be strong both emotionally and physically. The strongest woman in the world is Aneta Florcyzk, who can lift a grown man above her head. She has won numerous competitions and is no stranger to the first place spot.
Check out the rest of the video for more unbelievable women!