Britney Spears - Pepsi Commercial (Banned version)
This Video Was banned - We do not lie (updated 2013)
The commercial, which ran during the Super Bowl, was quickly banned from all national television ad spots for a variety of reasons. First off, the viewers for some reason thought that it was a little bit too risque because Spears appears in the commercial revealing a little bit too much skin around her belly button as well as a generous amount of cleavage up top. This did not sit very well with the people who run the highly popular TV channels, so they decided to take the commercial off of the air.
The main reason, though, was most likely because Pepsi decided to end that specific campaign for their product and Spears ended up looking like the scapegoat for that reason. I think that the commercial was done in a fairly tasteful way and showed off what everyone had already started to conceive was Spears' image anyway. I did not see the big deal then and I certainly do not see it now that we have all seen much worse on national television. It is unfortunate that Spears' career soon went under after the banning of that commercial, but I do not think that the two were ever connected at all.