Pune, Feb 25 (ANI): The Pune police on Thursday detained protestors opposing the release of Bollywood actor Sanjay Dutt from the Yerawada jail. The 56-year-old, who has spent 42 months in prison, walked out of jail around eight months ahead of time - the reprieve was granted on grounds of good behaviour. The security outside the Yerawada jail has been tightened in view of Dutt's release. Meanwhile, a PIL has also been filed in Bombay High Court by social activist Pradeep Bhalekar, seeking a stay on early release of the 56-year-old actor. The PIL says several convicts secure good-conduct reports from prison authorities but are not granted remission or early release. Reportedly, the actor has been out on parole for 90 days in December 2013 and again in August last for 30 days for personal reasons.